Saturday, August 9, 2008

3 million cheers for IFC!!!!

WOO HOO!!! Operation: 08/08/08 was a success!! Even the principal was happy with IFC. Must be because MBT complemented her HAHA, jk. We seriously kicked ass yesterday man!! Got up as early as 5 a.m in the morning. Luckily my dad sent me to school on the now or never day. Mr You better not throw the table and board away; I spent 10 bloody minutes and pure hard work JUST to sand the sides of the brown board. Besides, that's a historical item that should be shown later in maybe 10 or 20 years. "The table that had Faris to smoothen its sides" , Just kiddin'. I don't do "ego" stuff anymore. Maybe they'll put it as "the table that carried the mixer and allowed the teachers to enable our very first Live feed to the hall. I can't believe I'm saying this but, I'm actually gonna miss 08/08/08. It's the second IFC thing that's Super Fun and bonded us together.... I miss the IFC camp. I liked the 3rd day most. PURE FUN EXHILARATING SABO-ish mass games. The best part was the crocodile and deer game. Hah, I owned 4 or 5 sec 1s. One of 'em was Benjamin... It's nice though, tossing him in the concrete floor. Too bad he didn't injure himself. I would've paid to see Matthew sparring with him. Benjamin's like so damn coward-ish lar, Matthew walk towards him then he run away. DAMN!! I FEEL LIKE SPARRING AGAIN!!! Okay that was random... Walauweh, why didn't they show all the army vehicles and rockets again during the NDP?? When I was in Primary 5, we all went to the NDP preview. That was the first and best NDP I saw. Why the hell didn't they show us all the army stuff again?? They should've used the F-22 Raptors instead of using theF-16s. It would've made the NDP a lot better. A LOT. But still the NDP's still going good. So all in all, NDP was okay. Hope that more events like 08/08/08 would come. Hope that Syukri, Zaki and I can do the Hari Raya thing we promised for years. Lastly...

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